Saturday, 2 May 2015

Blog twenty one - Extra added effects

Whilst I was adding effects to my trailer I had thought about the titles and credits in which I am going to have at the beginning and end of the trailer. I knew the sort of thing in which I wanted it was just a case of finding it.

There are a few different ways in which you can have your title to make it look different and stand out from normal plain text. I decided to have my credits set as a roll/crawl crawling to the left as these are the effects that you very often see at the end of movies and I like the way they look and move, doing this was quite easy and quick as I already knew what text I wanted to have it was just a case of adding it to the credits.

I decided that I wanted to put my logo into my trailer aswell, I put it near the beginning of the trailer on the same frame as the title. I did this as I didn't want have it effecting the clips in anyway. I also added it to show the use of still images.

Once I had added it into the trailer I wanted to add an effect on to it to give it more emphasis. There was a few effects I looked at before I decided on the one I wanted to use in my trailer.
There were quite a few different effects that I could have chosen from. First I looked at Alpha Glow. This effect was a nice low tone effect not to bright that it over powered you but just enough so that you could notice a slight change from the original plain image.

I Also looked at making it flash by using strobe light. This effect made the whole frame glow using the colour I had chosen which was red. I decided against using this one as it was to over powering and bright.
I chose to use alpha glow. The colour I used with this effect was red as it is the main colour of Arsenal FC.

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