Thursday, 19 March 2015

Blog Twelve - Tools used in illustrator

These are a few specific tools in which I used in illustrator to help me to create my logo and my DVD on disc label. By using the following tools it helped me to further develop the skills I had already learnt. By having the knowledge of how to use tools like this helped me as I was able to make my work look how I wanted it too. For example when I was doing my on Disc lable before using the Clipping mask tool the edges of the disc were visable which would mean that I had to chop them off when I had printed it out. However by using this I was then able to get rid of this part of the image and make it look like a circle, as if I had printed it like this then I would not have had my circle and then therefore would have had an issue when it came to putting it on the disc.

Clipping mask - Make it then makes just one area selected and viewable.

Make/release clipping mask.

Path finder- making all objects become the same. using the unite tool.

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