Thursday, 12 March 2015

Blog Eleven - Feedback Week 6

After Creating my Disc Image and my Cover image I received feedback on what I could possibly improve and areas in which I have done well, also including things which I have included.

After six weeks of creating my images I was ready to be given feedback however a bit nervous as I wasn't sure if I had done enough on both of the images to secure myself a pass for them.
We got paired up so that a class mate could look at our work and tell us what they thought of it using a given sheet. The first thing that we were to look at was the DVD casing.

The given requirements for this where;

  • Set up a photoshop File
  • Correct size
  • DPI
  • Selection tools
  • Filters
  • layers (named well and organised well)
  • Layer transparency
  • Levels
  • Guides
  • Effects applied to photos
  • A render in an appropriate format 

The person looking at our work had to state if we had done those things and if we had were they were in our file.

For the given requirements I received the following feedback.
Set up a Photoshop file - Correct Colour CMYK.
Correct size - Correct Dimensions used.
DPI - Correct DPI used for printing (300).
Selection tools - Use of multiple tools to cut out images.
Filters - Use of mask and gradient for logo.
Layers (Named and organised well) - All labelled and well organised.
Layer Transparency - Yes use of a mask, and use of multiply to create snow effect.
Levels - No use of levels.
Guides - Yes clear guides.
Effects applied to photos - Many effects used.
A render in appropriate format - Yes JPG made.

There was also a section for any extra features that we had used, I had used two, the Multiply feature and the gradient tool.

After this came a section on things we were to improve, we had to give at least three areas in which we could improve.
My areas where;

  • Use of levels
  • Have a go at making the title neater.
  • Add the 15 logo to the front cover.
These changes shouldn't be that hard for me too do and shouldn't take me very long either.

We were then given an approximate percentage for what the marker thought we were at for my percentage I got 79% which in the Intellectual (thinking), Practical, Affective and Transferable Skills section meant that my work was; Excellent management of learning resources, complemented by self-direction/exploration. Structured/ accurate expression. Very good academic/intellectual and team/practical/professional skills.

For the second part of the feedback I received there was a different set of criteria in which we had to meet.
The feedback was about the DVD on-disc label.

The given requirements were;

  • Pen tool
  • Type tool
  • placing images
  • brushes
  • clipping masks
  • guides
  • layers
  • transparencies
  • text wrap
  • a render in an appropriate format
The person marking our work was looking for things in which we had used and where we had used them.

For the given requirements I received the following feedback;
Pen tool - Good use on some of the shapes and objects.
Type tool - Yes text typed onto cover.
Placing images - Yes placing of several images.
Brushes - Use of scatter brush in creation of clouds and logo.
Clipping mask - Used to create blue background.
Guides - Yes good use of guides
Layers - Well labelled and organised.
Transparencies - Yes use of solar flare.
Text wrap - Yes used to wrap text on title.
A render in an appropriate format - Yes saved as GIF.

For the extra features section I also recived feedback as I had used the flare tool to create the sun on my disc image.

I had again suggestions for improvements, these were also very basic as I had already covered the vast majority of things needed. Make the flare I have added more visable, Make the bird I have created more visable as currently he is behind the clouds and also to tidy up the title on my DVD case.

We were then given an approximate percentage for what the marker thought we were at for my percentage I got 79% which in the Intellectual (thinking), Practical, Affective and Transferable Skills section meant that my work was; Excellent management of learning resources, complemented by self-direction/exploration. Structured/ accurate expression. Very good academic/intellectual and team/practical/professional skills.

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