Tuesday 10 March 2015

Blog Ten - Logo

When it came to creating a logo I had a few idea's. My first Idea was an Atom inside an ellipse spelling out ARSENAL. However when it came to creating this I had difficulties as I couldn't get the size correct for the atom itself. I also thought about how I would be able to fit this logo in with my sky theme for the Disc.

I had a second idea of trying to create a anagram for the word Arsenal and put it inside a shield crossing each other to symbolise cannons. I decided against this idea as I had then thought of another one.

I then had another Idea in which I used the FA CUP (the last trophy Arsenal have won) a shield and the word Arsenal. I had decided this is going to be my logo. A shield encapsulating the FA Cup and the word Arsenal.
Thinking of the Idea was the easy part creating it was the difficult.

I googled to see different shapes of shields to see what sort of thing I could create. In the end I had decided to go with a basic round ended shield.
I decided to go with this sort of thing as I thought it would be easy to create using the Pen tool.
I created this using the pen tool and the rubber tool. I created the indents at the top by using the Rubber tool and was able to get the point on the end by using the pen tool. I chose to do the out-line of it in red as the main colour for arsenal is Red, the primary being blue. I left the fill empty as the FA Cup I had created is going to sit inside of it.

I Googled FA Cup to try and get a simple outline in which I could try and copy to get the logo for my DVD.

I chose this out-line as I thought it would be very easy and simple to try to follow. I created my FA Cup copy of this by using the brush tool. I found creating this very hard as there was a lot of funny curves and edges to follow especially around the handels of the cup. I thought this was a good image however as it was simple and basic to follow.

This is my FA Cup drawing. By coping the Template that I found online I was able to get quite a good copy of the actual FA Cup. I had then deiced to put the word Arsenal inside the trophey because it is the last trophy we have won as a club.
  This logo was then to feature not just on the disc but also in my trailer. I wasn't yet sure how I would incorporate this into my trailer however I knew that I would.  

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