Thursday, 26 February 2015

Blog five - Furthering Knowlege and practice

I have picked up a large number of skills whilst learning how to use photo-shop all of which have helped me to begin creating my DVD case. I have changed my initial design back ground from yellow to having the pitch on as then I can create and add as many different images as i would like to, it's like having a blank canvas and being able to edit the blank canvas to look however I want it to. The yellow back-ground looked quite plain and boring therefore I decided to add a bit of colour however still keeping it quite plain as then any images which get added will not look out of place. 

Some of the tools I have use and learnt about whilst I have been doing this are; 

  • Content aware tool – select the whole area, press backspace okay then the image will be removed
  • Patch tool – to repair image when something has been removed from it, - to make it look neater.
  • Edit transform flip horizontal.
  • Camera raw filter
  • Filter, render, and lens flare
  • Saturation on the camera raw filter
  • Destructive and non-destructive
  • Layer mask,
  • Add vector mask
  • Gradient tool
  • Anti-alias – with this you will have a perfect line
  • Contiguous – next to each other,  - continual colour
  • Magic wand tool
Whilst I have been using these tools I have edited a range of images to see how they work and what sorts of things you can do with them. All of these tools are useful when editing images as you can use them to create some weird and wonderful edits, making the image personal and unique to your ideas. 

I have created the following images using different tools and techniques, the top image started off as two separate images, one of a Koala bear and one of a desert scene, to create this image I just ensured that both of the images were opened up and that they were both visible and then coloured grey over the top of the Koala bear and the image behind began to show through. 

To create this image I had just the one image open, the tulips, they started off yellow with a red stripe however I decided I wanted to change this, I did this by using the add layer mask tool, hue & saturation and the colour range tool to select specific area's of the image and change the colours.  This can be quite useful when adding one image into another and changing the affects of it.
Once I had played around with these images I then moved on to making my DVD template the correct size so it will correctly fit in the case and there won't be any over lapping. I created the template printed it off and tried it for size. It was however to big for the case therefore meaning that I have to go back to my template so that I can make it the correct size. 

I had decided to use a picture of Thierry Herny in an action shot on the front cover of my case, to do this I had to edit him a lot by using the magic wand tool,  the rubber tool also came in quite handy  to get rid of outlines of the players, as when I put him in my template you could see the out line of where he used to come out to therefore using the rubber tool this allowed me too get rid of the horrible line edge. 

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